10 Key aspects of Interior Designing:
According to the generations, the taste of interior changes. This field keeps evolving and is very much influenced by the trends going on in this modern society. These trends can change overnight and can drastically evolve into a completely different way of living. An Art director also look at these aspects while Film Making. However the technological advancements is also have an impactful change in designing the interiors. A skilled designer is the one who transforms a vacant space into a place that reflects the personality and lifestyle of the occupants while enhancing the functionality and visual feeling of the property.

Patterns are the elements in a symmetric way which are repeating itself to create an interesting visuals. It may be in various forms such as:
Geometrical: Square, rectangles, circles, triangles, hexagonal.
Stripes: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, cross lines.
Designs: Dots, textures, motif, flowers, leaves, animals, plants.
This is an important aspect to create a theme, interesting visuals, emotions, fashion, mood and feelings. Patterns can impact the occupants indirectly a lot. So, it is the important aspect for the interiors designers.

A texture is a visual character of a material appearing on itโs surface. Using correct texture can add depth and interest to the compositions very effectively. Here are some aspects of textures:
Tactile textures(can be felt by touch): Rough, soft, smooth, hard, patterns, designs
Visual textures: Abstract, designs, graphics, stones, landscapes
Artistic textures: Paintings, sculptures, portraits, cloth work, sketches.
Textures can communicate with the occupants and can have a large impact on their mental health.

Colors are the inner and essential aspect of our visual perception. They play a very important role in each and every single thing in life. In the interior designing it is considered as the most important thing to be considered. It has a lot of valuable points such as:
Properties of color
Psychology of color
In the wheel of colors there are 3 primary colors- Red, Green and Blue. There are also 3 secondary colors as well and they are- Orange, Purple and Yellow.

A theme is a style or concept that guide the design and decoration of a property. While selecting a theme you should be very careful because it considers the lifestyle and environment of that particular property. Here are some of theย popular themesย that you can choose for your interior:
Having a proper theme can create a harmonious look to the interior design of a property. Choose wisely!

A property is an incomplete property without a furniture in it. Furniture is absolutely a much needed component of interior designing. It plays a crucial role in functionality, aesthetics and comfort of a property. Here are the important aspects of it:
Types of furniture: Chairs & sofas, Storages, Beds, Tablets, Units
Materials of furniture: Wooden, Plastic, Metal, Upholstery, Natural
Themes of furniture: Minimalist, Corporate, Cultural, Industrial, Classic, Contemporary, Artistic, Rustic, Bohemian, Tropical
Style is an important aspect when you choose a proper furniture for your interior. It can spoil the ambience/atmosphere of your property if you make mistakes while choosing it.

A better design is needed for the functionality to enhance userโs experience, satisfaction and efficiency. This is a reason why you should consult a professional interior designer. Functionality has some very key points and they are as follows:
Maintenance friendly
Workflow friendly
Creation of more space for utilization of other activities should be the intention behind functionality because a good looking property without decent functionality is of no use.

A proper combination of looks and use of accessories can take your interior to the next level. Here are some vital points about accessories:
Needful accessories: Lights, Vases, Rugs, Pillows, Furniture
Fashion: Handbags, Jewelery, Clocks & watches, Decorative, Paintings
There should be a beautiful balance between the appearance and the need of that particular accessory. Overuse of it can spoil the overall look of your property.

Planning is an equally important thing. The better the plan better the other aspects look like. It enhances the look of every aspect of interior designing. The critical thinking about layout is that it cannot be changed again and again. So itโs worthy if the initial time is taken for layout of a particular property. Key points of layout are as follows:
Furniture placing
Electronic items placing
Space utilization
User friendly
Functionality in layout is the aim for any interior designer. Looks and appearance should be the secondary and if the combination of both is appealing for the occupants then the satisfaction behind it would be on an another level.

A proper ambience can be created by using a very powerful and underestimated aspect called lighting. Lighting changes the feel, emotions and mood of an occupant. It impacts the overall aspects of the interior designing and each aspect can be enhanced by using some lighting equipment and technical. Some valuable points are as follows:
Lighting types: Spots, Ambience, Natural, Accent, Outdoor
Styles: Wall mounted, Lamps, Chandelier, Ceiling mounted, Background
Make sure you donโt overuse it. It may disturb the mood, emotions and feelings of the occupants. Even the themes of interior designing can he affected by the lighting. So be careful while choosing the lights as it may change the overall interior themes.
Sustainable design

Considering an eco-friendly design while designing the interior is the requirement of most of the occupants. Due to the go green initiative all round the global and also from the efficiencyโs point of view it is a must needed aspect of interior designing. While you design your interior even a small change can improve your efficiency. So when you make decisions while designing keep this important point in your books as well. Some aspects of sustainable design are as follows:
Air quality
Water efficient
Energy efficient
Waste recycling
Use of renewable materials
Biophilic design
More the efficiency more the savings of the occupants. So, ignoring this key aspect of sustainable design can keep costing you more. And beyond efficiency it does also cause harm to our environment. So adapt this aspect and help saving our mother earth.
We hope this article helps you out somewhere-somehow and by following these aspects of interior designing you can create a harmonious environment in your space. Thankyou!